Step 3.2: Removal of low count genes and normalization
The QC investigations in Step 3.1 should be done on the output from htseq-count
, which typically is the entire transcriptome (all genes). However, for most eukaryotic species, only ~40-60% of genes are expressed in any given cell, tissue or age and so a large proportion of the genes may contain 0 or only a few reads. It is recommended to remove these genes because they do not contain enough information to be statistically valid and it reduces the amount of multiple hypothesis testing (Step 3.3). A common practice is to require a minimum number of reads in a minimum number of samples. Often 1 CPM (count per million, relative to the total number of reads in the sample) is used as the minimum threshold but this may need to be adjusted up or down depending on the total number of reads per sample to get a threshold between 5 and 20 reads per gene.
The CPM adjustment is a minimal normalization that is necessary because of the normal large variation in total reads per sample. However, this assumes that the total number of reads should have been the same for all samples. This assumption can often be violated by extremely high expression in a few genes in one treatment or if the DE genes are predominantly in one direction. The traditional FPKM normalization used in older tools such as Cufflinks’ Cuffdiff
cannot adjust for this and was one of the reasons FPKM was found to be inferior to other normalization methods, including Transcripts Per Million (or TPM1).
Which extra normalization, DESeq2 or TMM, to use in R depends on which package, DESeq23 or edgeR4, 5 , you prefer to use in R for statistical analysis. Both use extra normalization methods that are comparable and adjust for moderate biases in the number and direction of gene expression changes. Both are based on negative binomial statistical modeling and were found to compare quite evenly. Both have functions for outputting normalized expression values for use in QC and downstream visualizations. These normalized expression values should be put through the same QC metrics in Step 3.1 to see if the extra normalization rectified any problems indicated. Severe outliers should be removed and the data re-normalized. Remaining batch effects should be adjusted for in the statistical model.
Dillies, M. A., Rau, A., Aubert, J., Hennequet-Antier, C., Jeanmougin, M., Servant, N., … & Guernec, G. (2013). A comprehensive evaluation of normalization methods for Illumina high-throughput RNA sequencing data analysis. Briefings in bioinformatics, 14(6), 671-683. ↩
Anders S, Huber W (2010). Differential expression analysis for sequence count data. Genome Biology, 11, R106. ↩
Love M.I., Huber W., Anders S. (2014). Moderated estimation of fold change and dispersion for RNA-seq data with DESeq2. Genome Biology, 15, 550. ↩
Robinson MD, McCarthy DJ, Smyth GK (2010). edgeR: a Bioconductor package for differential expression analysis of digital gene expression data. Bioinformatics, 26(1), 139-140. ↩
McCarthy, J. D, Chen, Yunshun, Smyth, K. G (2012). Differential expression analysis of multifactor RNA-Seq experiments with respect to biological variation. Nucleic Acids Research, 40(10), 4288-4297. ↩

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